I got these from both Following orders and having a squadmate follow my order) Get 'Squad Order Followed' 10 times (You need to press the button for 'Spot' over an objective such as Chainlink, Conquest, Capture, etc. The Link Repeater achievement in Battlefield 4 (Xbox 360) worth 44 points Win 2 rounds of Chainlink ) (I would suggest just playing normally to get these kills but if you don't usually get many kills you can just play a few games of Team Deathmatch) While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Recon enemies who are also on foot. While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Engineer enemies who are also on foot. While on foot as Assault, kill 10 Support enemies who are also on foot. Get 5 kills while swimming (You can only get kills with your sidearm while swimming.) Activate the floodgates on the Sunken Dragon map (Control Panel located at the top of a small tower on the B side (Conquest) or C side (Chainlink) of the bridge that is over the Floodgates - upper right-hand side of the map)
Level 20 and the assignment's prerequisite assignment completions will be noted. Some require Rank 20 and other assignments to be completed to unlock them. *Notes: All assignments require you to be Rank 10, to Play a Dragon's Teeth map and to have the Dragon's Teeth DLC. All New Assignments for Battlefield 4 Dragon's Teeth DLC: